AwarenessThe FTA takes a multi-faceted approach to exposure for the float industry as a whole. We rely on our volunteers and committee members to help us speak on podcasts, attend other health and wellness events, enhance our website presence, maintain social media accounts, and find sponsorship opportunities. When you join the FTA, you help to spread our message, and gain access to tools to help spread the word in your community.
Resources & Best PracticesRunning a float spa requires a unique set of skills. As this industry grows in awareness, it’s vital that every guest at every float center has an incredible experience. Referrals, testimonials, and positive reviews push our industry exposure forward. In order to maintain a high standard of excellence, the FTA provides guidelines, resources, and discussions on how to excel in every category. This includes sanitation, disinfection, working with health departments, customer service, tank maintenance, and so much more! In addition to helping develop and maintain best practices, the FTA strives to share information from various other organizations in the industry. The FTA also shares lists of relevant manufacturers, suppliers, and consultants - all connections that float center owners need!
CommunityThe FTA strives to connect float center owners, consultants, manufacturers, suppliers, and enthusiasts by providing regular webinars and roundtables, offering an online presence, and convening annually at the Float Conference.
ResearchFTA members have access to a cohesive collection of recent research study results. The FTA is also working to support and further research studies around the world, including those about the benefits. The FTA is also working on a community-led Microbiology Project, which will be used to support regulation best practices, etc.
SupportThe FTA is an association developed for the float industry, by the float industry. Our Board and support team is made up of float center owners and other experts. We’re here to help you succeed.
Choose Your Membership Level
$250 Annually (or $35 monthly)
- Expert Panel Discussions
- Float Center Operation Best Practices
- Member Resources
- Support floatation therapy research
- A sense of community
$100 Annually (or $15 Monthly)
- Receive the latest news, research, and updates
- Support float research
- Support the float community
- Be part of the float movement
$250 Annually
*50% off with Float Center Membership
- Your company listed on our Consultants Resource page
- Highlighted in FTA Newsletters
- Be a resource for FTA Members
- Support the float industry
$300 Annually
- Your company listed on our Supplier Resource page
- Stay up to date with industry best practices
- Highlighted in FTA Newsletters
- Be a resource for FTA Members
$400 Annually
- Your company listed on our Manufacturers Resource page
- Stay up to date with regulatory and Health Department changes
- Highlighted in FTA Newsletters
- Be a resource for FTA Members
2024 Scholarship Opportunities
We recognize that there may be reasons that an FTA Membership is not accessible to all float centers. That's why we've decided to offer 2 scholarships for 1 year of membership to float center owners! The recipients will be asked to participate on 2 FTA committees in exchange for the scholarship.